Added Google AdSense in the Wiki

created: 1267784552|%e %B %Y, %H:%M
TAGS: chemcomm
Oh boy, ads also here?
Yes, ads also here. I have decided to add Google advertisement to the wiki, hoping to get enough money to cover the costs to maintain this site. As you may know, wikidot has free accounts, but those have some limitations, in particular regarding the storage for files. Therefore, I have upgraded my free account to a pro lite account, as you can see from the little star in my avatar. This means that I have to pay a little amount of money every year.
To the other hand, I didn't want to spoil the clearness of the wiki graphics stuffing all the empty spaces with ads, so I have been as much discrete as possible: just a little ad on the top of the sidebar and one horizontal banner at the end of the page. No floating ads. Also, only people that do not have a wikidot account (or they have it but are not logged in) will see the ads.

Also, the box to search google is related to my adsense account.

Who gets the money (if any)?
At the moment, I am the only contributor to this site, so there are no questions about who will earn the money, and that would be me. Things may change (or not) in the future, anyway I do not expect to earn lots of money with adsense: it can be discussed, but the idea is that I will reinvest those money into the wiki.

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